Thursday, October 15, 2009

Lost at Sea

I am currently serving a 1-3 week stint out here, at least potentially. I have no idea really. One of the guys who rode out to the ship with me had this bit of advice "the first thing I do when I go the ship is figure out what I need to do to get off the sip and go home. Then that becomes my top priority". Me: "I have no idea what I need to do to go home". Him: "you have a problem then". Therein lies the question of how long I will actually be here. So if you were tuning in for this weeks episode of "The Walker family goes to Busan for the Fireworks", you will now be treated to the mini-series "Tricky at sea" (my wife loves it when Rick refers to himself in the third person, especially when Rick refers to himself as Tricky). Anyway, I have only been here for about 36 hours, of which 28 have been working and 5 have been sleeping, so there will be more of this to come as I get settled in and find my way around here. What I do have though is a little photo recap of life at the shipyard which I was going to share a few days ago before I got the call from my boss to head out for this baptism by fire. Anyway, on to the photos. OK, I have given the photos exactly 1 hour and 8 minutes to upload, still no dice. That post will have to wait until I return from sea. Which brings me to the internet issue. First off, no access to the fantasy football site (blocked by firewall). Secondly, the internet is UNBELIEVABLY SLOW. It has been described by everyone exactly the same way (which is the absolute truth as well). Imagine your home internet, then invite 250 people over to split the bandwith with you, as well as an entire phone system. LAN, wireless, doesn't matter. G-mail takes 10 minutes to load, and skype dropped my call 4 times in 2 minutes. It wouldn't surprise me if this post didn't go through until Saturday actually...


  1. i know how you like comments so i am sending you one except it looks like your crazy and you are sending yourself one due to the tricky thing as the comment person for me too. we would like you to come home now. i need a good third person name...

  2. second thought. how much did you drink at the bbq last weekend and who did you upset????

  3. I drank just enough and I don't think Tricky upset anyone...

  4. I really like ther blog. It makes me feel like I am sharing your adventure.

  5. thanks dad, we love when people post comments, makes us feel like someone is out there...
